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HR Specialist - Brewster Place

    HR Specialist - Brewster Place

    Responsible for the recruitment, payroll, benefits and compliance of all staff members of Brewster Place.

    Key Responsibilities/Duties

    Payroll process to include:
    Bi-weekly processing of payroll for all Brewster staff members
    Maintaining payroll records as needed

    Benefits process to include:
    New enrollments and cancellations for all benefits offered to staff
    Open enrollment process annually
    Wellness incentive process
    FMLA and Short Term Disability claims
    403b Enrollment meetings, processing enrollments and cancellations, processing 403b deductions post payroll

    Compliance process to include:
    Managing tracker of compliance requirements
    Notifying supervisors and employees of compliance due dates
    Tracking of employee license expirations

    Recruitment process to include:
    Managing recruitment initiatives
    Maintaining job advertisements/postings
    Completing required background, reference checks and job offers

    The most significant duties have been included in this description.  This does not preclude the assignment of occasional additional or developmental duties.  The organization reserves the right to modify this job description as needed to accurately reflect duties assigned.

    For more information and to apply, please visit our website to apply!